Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Custom Picks - Nintendo's New Traditional 2D Fighter

*DISCLAIMER* The following is purely an opinion piece. I do not claim to know what the real plans are that any video game companies mentioned in this article have planned for their franchises.

Welcome to Custom Picks, a series of speculation articles about different games for companies to release. Nintendo, Sega, Capcom, Ubisoft, Square-Enix; if they have games everyone is waiting for, those games are up for discussion.

With Nintendo’s NX a little under a year away, everyone is speculating about what they are going to do next. Everyone has ideas about what their next console should be capable of and everyone says they need to have more third-party games, more first-party games, revivals of old franchises, and new IPs. But when it comes to exactly what games should be on there, fewer people are willing to say exactly what.

So, the first few articles in Custom Picks will be about Nintendo and what possible games they could release to get gamers excited about the NX, and maybe revive some old or obscure franchises along the way.

Although Nintendo has found success with the Super Smash Brothers series, several gamers overlook the sub-genre of platform fighters and are instead asking for a more traditional 2D fighting game, along the lines of Street Fighter or Tekken. While platform fighters allow characters to travel around a stage and use its platform layouts or sometimes stage effects to their advantage, in traditional fighters, both characters are on a flat plane, so there is nothing to factor into a strategy except the player's character and the opponent's character. Ideas for a 2D fighter from Nintendo have included reviving games like Joy Mech Fight or Urban Champion, acquiring the Bloody Roar franchise from Konami, teaming up with Capcom for a new game, and several other different ideas.

So, what first-party or third-party titles could fit this category?

First Party Titles – Pokken Tournament: NX Edition & Urban Champion

One of the most recent big releases for the Wii U has been something a lot of people have actually been asking for, a Pokemon fighting game. Developed by Namco Bandai, the developers of the Tekken and Soul Calibur series and co-developers of Super Smash Bros. 4, Pokken Tournament assembles a roster of about 15 Pokemon for a game that combines 2D and 3D fighting mechanics. The game was a good seller and did reasonably with critics, so hopefully, this becomes a continuing series for Nintendo. While it may be too soon to be talking about a sequel, with a new Nintendo console on the horizon, maybe an updated re-release is in order. After tweaking the balance in the roster, ramping up the difficulty a bit, and adding a few new characters with a bit more variety, they should have a good game to bring to the NX.

As far as games not currently in Nintendo’s rotation however, this genre would be a good place to see a revival of the NES game Urban Champion. In the original version of this game, two people would be boxing each other to push their opponent off the side of the block and into the next one. If you hit your opponent off the end of two city blocks, they fall down a manhole and you win the match. While this may not work with the idea of most fighting games today, a new Urban Champion game could work on a similar system to set it apart from other games. Since it’s been established that Nintendo likes to focus on new styles of gameplay, they may not be satisfied just making a Street Fighter clone with a new cast of characters.

Whether they decide to make it in the style of Street Fighter, the classic Urban Champion, or some new gameplay style we haven’t seen before, this game would probably make the most sense for a new traditional fighting game from Nintendo. With the game focusing on a cast of martial artist characters set in an urban environment, the actual gameplay could focus on running out the opponent’s health bar, like in traditional fighting games, or, like the Virtua Fighter series or the N64 game Fighters Destiny, it could feature different ways to end a match, like knockouts or ring outs, or even special conditions like stunning the opponent followed by a throw or hitting them with a special knockout move. They could go in any direction with this, but this would be one of the best old-school properties they could do it with.

Third Party Titles – Darkstalkers 4 & Nintendo vs. Capcom

With several fighting game IPs to their name and Street Fighter being the biggest among them, Capcom would seem like the best developer to approach to give Nintendo a traditional fighting game. They could come up with any number of ideas like a spin-off of Street Fighter or bringing back one of its older, more obscure series. The most notable of those series is Darkstalkers. This fighting game franchise with horror monster inspired characters is one of Capcom’s most beloved franchises, but aside from characters like Morrigan, Demitri, and Felicia appearing in crossover titles, it hasn’t seen an actual release in a very long time. There were talks about a Darkstalkers 4 possibly being made for systems like the 360 and PS3, but those plans were shelved when the Darkstalkers 3 remake they made didn’t sell the millions of downloads Capcom was hoping for.

If they are a bit more willing to take a chance Capcom could release Darkstalkers 4 as being available on Nintendo’s upcoming system, just to turn a few heads. They already made the latest Street Fighter a PlayStation exclusive; who’s to say they won’t give Nintendo and Microsoft the same treatment with their own exclusive fighting series and making it a revival of one of Capcom’s old fighters will give it a lot of attention. If the idea of Darkstalkers 4 being Nintendo exclusive doesn’t sit well with you, it could even be a multiplatform release, just as long as they make clear that it’s also available on the NX.

But if a partnership between Nintendo and Capcom is up for discussion, maybe a better option would be to take this idea all the way and bring out the game that both Nintendo and Capcom fans have been dreaming about for years. That game is Nintendo vs. Capcom. Both Nintendo and Capcom have a large number of IPs to make all-star character rosters from, ranging from mega-hit series to obscure niche titles, and both know to utilize characters from both mainstream and obscure games to hype up gamers for planned crossover titles. Just look at the pre-release hype for Marvel vs. Capcom 3 and Super Smash Bros. 4 for proof.

Just what characters each side would pick is a topic for another article, but with this title as an NX exclusive, and it has to be since literally half the content in this would be Nintendo’s, fans of both companies, and fighting games in general, would have a big reason to pay attention to Nintendo’s new console.


What did you think of these Custom Picks? What traditional 2D fighting game do you want to see added to Nintendo’s lineup? Make your voice heard in the comments below and thanks for coming.

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