Sunday, February 18, 2018

10 Possible Capcom Characters for Nintendo vs. Capcom

A long-requested topic for fighting game fans, especially with series like Super Smash Bros. and the Vs. Capcom games releasing to huge success, Nintendo vs. Capcom has been one of those dream games that a lot of people seem interested in. And with Nintendo’s new console, the Switch, selling hand over fist and Nintendo looking to keep the momentum going with plenty of new releases, this game will be sure to grab people’s attention.

Since a big part of the hype is seeing which characters make the roster, I’ve looked through the lists of Nintendo and Capcom’s franchises and come up with a few characters that may have a good chance of making it in. This is in the form of a list and not a full roster, because while some characters like Mario, Link, Mega Man, and Ryu are obvious inclusions, this will focus on some of the characters who are less obvious, but still stand a good chance. In addition, only one character per franchise.

Last time, we covered ten Nintendo characters that would make additions to this roster. Now, here are 10 Possible Capcom Characters for Nintendo vs. Capcom. 


10. Batsu Ichimonji (Rival Schools)

The Rival Schools series may not have seen a release on a Nintendo console, but the series main character, Batsu Ichimonji has. Making appearances in games like Tatsunoko vs. Capcom and Project X Zone, this high school ki fighter is basically the Ryu of his series, but he’s shown as having enough differences from Ryu to justify including him as his own character. Adding Batsu would not only add more variety to the roster, but also shine a spotlight on a franchise that Capcom themselves haven’t touched in a long time.

And speaking of long-abandoned Capcom franchises…

9. Jon Talbain (Darkstalkers)

While some characters from the Darkstalkers fighting game series have seen appearances in other Capcom games, most notably Morrigan and Felicia, other characters have been left to just sit in the background, one of which being the kung-fu werewolf Jon Talbain. A favorite among fans of the series, people have been waiting for this guy to make a return. Recent Capcom crossovers have seen other Darkstalkers added to playable rosters, like Hsien-Ko in Marvel vs. Capcom 3, Demitri and Lord Raptor in Project X Zone, B.B. Hood in Project X Zone 2, and Jedah in Marvel vs. Capcom Infinite. So, if other Darkstalkers characters are getting their turn in the spotlight, there may still be hope of seeing this furry fighter show up in a future title.

 8. Ryu the Dragon (Breath of Fire)

He may share a name with Capcom’s most recognizable martial artist, but this RPG hero couldn’t be more different from him. Ryu from the Breath of Fire series is a sword-swinging fantasy hero who allies himself with several different magical allies and can transform into a dragon. In a game like Nintendo vs. Capcom, this Ryu can attack with his sword, call in some of his partners for help during attacks or super moves, and turning into a dragon for a devastating attack is definite hyper move material.

7. Phoenix Wright (Ace Attorney)

 They made him work in Marvel vs. Capcom. They can make him work here. 

The Ace Attorney series is one of Capcom’s big series, especially for the DS handheld line, and at the center of that series is the goofy but effective lawyer, Phoenix Wright. He would probably function in this game a lot like he does in Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3, not throwing punches and kicks, but more indirectly fighting through just random actions that he takes. Meanwhile, he would be searching the stage for pieces of evidence and when his hyper move is activated, that big trial move from MvC3 makes its return on the Nintendo stage.

6. Mike Haggar (Final Fight)

This one might be a no-brainer for including in a roster like this, and his appearances in Marvel vs. Capcom show how important he is to Capcom’s legacy, but we should emphasize how good of a fit Mike Haggar from Final Fight is for the Nintendo vs. Capcom roster. He is one of the main characters of Final Fight, one of Capcom’s big games during the time of the Super Nintendo and being one of the developer’s legacy series, its character shave been implemented into others including Street Fighter, Saturday Night Slam Masters, and Marvel vs. Capcom. So, for the lead of the series, the pro-wrestler turned mayor turned city hero, again, this one might be a no-brainer.

5. Amaterasu (Okami)

Capcom has created a lot of cult hit games over the years and Okami is often included among the best of them. Receiving critical praise across the board, this game had a beautiful art style, engaging combat, and interesting mechanics, particularly involving the Celestial Brush. The way the brush would be used to draw symbols to produce different effects in the world of the game, it made sense for the game to be ported from its original system of the PS2 to the Wii, where the Wii remote could be used for the brush strokes. The series’ partnership with Nintendo would continue, with the sequel Okamiden releasing on the DS.

After all of this, the game’s protagonist, the sun deity Amaterasu, would make sense as an addition to the roster. She would be able to use several magical attacks, including some elemental spells, as well as different kinds of weapons as seen in the games. Like Phoenix Wright, she would probably function similar to how she appeared in Marvel vs. Capcom 3, but you know what they say about something that’s not broken.

4. Leon Kennedy (Resident Evil)

Resident Evil is one of Capcom’s biggest franchises and the series has gotten a lot of love on Nintendo platforms, so it would make sense for Capcom to possibly include a character from this series into a crossover title with them. As far as who the honor should go to, the two standouts here seem to be Jill Valentine and Leon Kennedy, since they were front and center with some of RE’s biggest releases on Nintendo platforms. 

We’ll go with Leon here since not only is Resident Evil 4 considered one of the best third-party games to grace a Nintendo platform, it’s often considered to be one of the best Capcom games period. For his moves, Leon would, of course, use his weapons from the game along with some flashy physical moves, which would make him the Chris Redfield of this roster. For a little variety, some of his moves could also involve zombies or monsters from his home series, like with Jill in Marvel vs. Capcom 2.

3. Blanka (Street Fighter)

This is a Capcom list, so a Street Fighter character showing up was probably a given, but which one should make the list? Given how highly regarded Street Fighter II is among the Nintendo, Capcom, and fighting game communities, that would probably be a good starting point. So, aside from Ryu and Chun-Li (who are practically already guaranteed spots in any Capcom crossover game), which popular Street Fighter II character who doesn’t make a lot of crossover appearances would make a good addition to this game?

He’ll do nicely.

Blanka is a very unique character both in terms of appearance and moveset, being a humanoid beastman that uses a sort-of undefined fighting style and electric shocks that could give Pikachu a run for his money. Despite that though, he has been absent from several major crossover titles. So, he would be a welcome addition to this one.

2. Monster Rider and One-Eyed Rathalos (Monster Hunter Stories)

Especially in recent times, Monster Hunter is a blockbuster franchise with several people across the world always ready to jump into the next entry. It would make sense for a character from this series to be included in a big crossover title, but should this character be a hunter like in MvC: Infinite or maybe one of the monsters?

How about both?

Monster Hunter Stories is a game for the 3DS that was actually published by Nintendo. It’s even had its own Amiibo figures made. That may give it a bit more leverage for inclusion in a roster like this, but also, take a good look at this pair. It’s someone who is essentially a young hunter riding on a Rathalos that they’ve bonded with and the two work together as a team. Having the weapon skills of the hunter and the beastly ferocity of the monster in one package? Surprising this wasn’t suggested sooner.

1. Dr. Wily (Mega Man) 

Just like with Street Fighter, if we’re talking about Nintendo vs. Capcom, you knew a Mega Man character had to make the list somewhere. For the longest time, the Mega Man series has had a successful partnership with Nintendo and some of its best games were released on Nintendo consoles. They’re even reprising this tradition with Mega Man 11 coming to the Nintendo Switch (and the other consoles too, but it still counts). While the Blue Bomber himself is practically guaranteed a spot in this roster, there is one character that not a lot of people may be thinking of including.
Three guesses. First two don't count.

Dr. Wily has had such an enormous presence within the series as its main villain, he could easily take the role of a character in a Capcom crossover. Admittedly, Wily on his own isn’t fighting fit, but that’s why he has his machines to do the fighting. As with Tron Bonne from the Mega Man Legends series or Kirby from my Nintendo half of this roster (see the previous article), Dr. Wily could pilot some kind of small mecha equipped with all kinds of weapons and gadgets. He could even call in some of his robot soldiers or even one of the Robot Masters to assist with his attacks.

That’s just with him as a playable character. Wily could even function as final boss material, climbing into a giant mech, possibly even themed after a character like Bowser or Ganon, because it’s Nintendo vs. Capcom, and use even more powerful and devastating weapons. The sky’s the limit with this guy’s potential.


That was the second half of my Nintendo vs. Capcom roster countdowns. Of course, these are just ten characters out of several that would make great additions to this game, if it ever gets made. So, you do agree with these picks? Who would you add to Nintendo vs. Capcom? Is Nintendo vs. Capcom even a game you’re hoping gets made? Make your voice heard in the comments below and to see what Nintendo characters I think would make good additions to this game, just see my previous article. Thanks for stopping by.

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