Sunday, March 26, 2017

5 Overwatch Characters that Could Get Second Ultimates

Overwatch is a game filled with possibilities, regarding everything from the different media to the locations to the actual characters that can be played.

Since Symmetra’s rework including new abilities and, most notably, a second Ultimate with her Shield Generator, characters able to have two Ultimates are now a possibility. Giving a character a new ability to work with can change the game in new and interesting ways and some characters may be a bit easier to brainstorm abilities for than others. These are just a few of them.

Here are 5 Overwatch Characters That Could Get Second Ultimates.

1. Mei

I know a lot of people don’t want to see this ice demon get more powerful, so consider this more of a warning if it does happen, because technically, she already got a second Ultimate.

In Overwatch’s Holiday 2016 event, Winter Wonderland, Mei was the star character of the event’s special brawl, Mei’s Snowball Offensive. Among the other gameplay changes in the brawl, Mei’s normal Ultimate, Blizzard, was swapped out for a new one called Flurry. This move would give Mei an unlimited number of snowballs to shoot for five seconds, and since the brawl was a 6v6 snowball fight where snowballs could one-hit-kill a player no matter where they hit, this could be a very powerful move depending on its usage. Even if it were changed to something like five seconds of instant-freeze snowballs, this could prove to be a powerful move if brought into the main game.

There’s a Game of Thrones pun here, but… no, too easy.

2. Zarya

This Russian heavy-hitter already kind of has a second Ultimate, but not courtesy of Overwatch.

Zarya is one of currently three characters to be made playable in Blizzard’s crossover MOBA title Heroes of the Storm, along with Tracer and a third character we’ll get to in a minute. While Zarya mostly plays like she does in Overwatch with her passive trait and normal abilities being her abilities in HotS, she also has two Heroic Abilities in this new game. The first is her Ultimate from Overwatch, Graviton Surge, which draws in nearby opponents toward one central location, bringing everyone she wants to pick off to one convenient location.

The second is a new move called Expulsion Zone, which is basically the exact opposite of Graviton Surge, pushing opponents away from a central point. If brought into Overwatch, this could be a good tool for keeping opponents off a point or payload in clutch moments or blocking off a certain pathway and forcing enemies to take an alternate route.

3. Lucio

That’s right, a second Ultimate for everyone’s favorite healer.

After being the highest rated support character in the Overwatch cast and being considered a must-pick for a very long time, Lucio is the third character from the series to enter Heroes of the Storm, after Tracer and Zarya. While Tracer wound up with only one Heroic Ability (her Pulse Bomb), Zarya and Lucio both got two Heroic Abilities, their Ultimate from Overwatch and a completely new move.

As far as Lucio goes, in addition to his Ultimate, Sound Barrier, which provides a strong but momentary shield to himself and his allies, HotS gives Lucio a second Heroic Ability called Reverse Amp. When activated, Reverse Amp casts the opposite effect of whatever effect Lucio currently has active on his opponents. If he has his Speed Boost song on, it slows down enemies. If he has his Healing Boost song on, it deals a steady stream of damage. This is addition to keeping active the effects the songs have on Lucio and his teammates.

And suddenly, Lucio Plays of the Game become a bit easier to see.

4. Reaper

And now that the easy ones are out of the way, here’s where things start to get more speculative.

The thought that Reaper might get a second Ultimate comes from his appearance in the first cinematic trailer for Overwatch. As Reaper and Widowmaker fight Tracer and Winston, when the fight goes against the villains, they decide to retreat. As they do, Reaper drops a bunch of grenades to cover their escape. While this may have just been an element of Reaper’s kit that was ditched in development, this doesn’t rule out a potential return of this element, possibly as his second Ultimate.

Here are two possible ways this could be done.  The first is simple in that Reaper could shoot out grenades similarly to his current Ultimate, Death Blossom, however, the bombs either travel in an arc or have a delay so that potential victims have a chance to get away. However, this would have to be balanced perfectly as it could ride a thin line between being useless and being overpowered.

The second way this could work is Reaper simply tosses away his shotguns (as per normal) and pulls out a grenade launcher. It would probably work similarly to Junkrat’s, but being an Ultimate-exclusive weapon, it could afford to have a bit more power. Using Reaper’s normal clip size of eight shots, this grenade launcher could have more damage, more range, and a bigger blast radius. Again, balance should be taken to not push guys like Junkrat even further back in pick rates.

5. Torbjorn

Always count on the gadgeteer to make better weapons.

The idea for this one comes from the latest Overwatch comic Binary, staring Torbjorn and Bastion. In this comic, we not only find out that Torb may not hate Bastion as much as it seems in game, but he also has a few other gadgets in his inventory. In the comic, he throws out a device that activates with a remote button press. Once activated, the device opens and traps nearby targets in a mess of cables against any nearby surfaces.

If this were included in the actual game, he could throw this device out like one of his armor packs or one of Junkrat’s traps. Then, when he triggers the trap, the machine opens and any nearby enemies get stuck against a wall or some other surface, completely open to an attack from your team.

That’s bringing some power to the defense class.


What did you think about this list? Are there any Overwatch characters you think could get a second Ultimate? Do you think they should just focus on bringing more new characters in before adding to current ones like this? Whatever you think, make your voice heard in the comments below.

Thanks for coming!

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