Friday, March 16, 2018

The Arsenal: Batman (DC Comics)

Welcome to The Arsenal, where we look at the best weapons and items used by different characters in media. In this entry, we’re looking at the best equipment used by Gotham’s dark knight, one of the members of the DC power trio, the Batman. Batman has had a lot of gadgets over his long history in comic books, but for this list, we’re focusing on items that he is likely to carry on him regularly.

What are the best items in this iconic hero's utility belt? Let's find out.

Here is the Arsenal of Batman.


Best Mobility Item - Grapple Gun
One of the most well-known pieces of Batman's inventory, the Grapple Gun has seen a lot of use over the years, which just proves how effective of a tool it is. Batman uses this to reach high areas he is unable to climb to, use the rafters of a building to flank an enemy, recover from a fall, and more. 

Best Infiltration Item - Lock Pick
It may not be the flashiest thing that Batman carries with him, but when he is trying to take the subtle approach when sneaking around a villain's lair, trying to kick down a locked door just won't do. That's where the lock pick comes in handy. Just a little work with this little tool and Batman can make his way through a locked door, chest, or explosive locked with key no problem.

Best Environmental Item - Gas Mask
Considering how many of Batman's rogues gallery utilize airborne toxins in their schemes, from the Joker to Scarecrow to Poison Ivy, a good gas mask is invaluable when facing down these villains. Putting this on allows Batman to fight unhindered even if a room is flooded with mutant plant spores, fear toxin, Joker venom, or whatever else the villains decide to blow his way. Fighting bad guys is a lot easier when you don't have to worry about poison gas throwing you off.

Best Surveillance Item - Mask Visor
Part of the package of being Batman is being an incredible investigator and detective, so it goes without saying that any tools that can help that only make his job go smoother. Built into the lenses of the cowl of the Batsuit, this visor can switch settings to infrared, ultraviolet, and night vision, and some depictions of it can even identify the weak points of an enemy. So, not only can it identify threats and allow him to avoid detection, but it can even aid in combat.

Best Batarang - Explosive Batarang
The Batarang is such an iconic part of this hero's inventory, it warrants having its own category. Apart from his own two fists, this bat-shaped shuriken is Batman's go-to offensive weapon. It even has different varieties that produce different effects upon hitting a target, from producing gas to a simple tracking device. The one highlighted here however is the Explosive Batarang. Mostly used against destructible enemies, like robots, or powerful villains where the normal Batarangs just won't do, the explosive variety packs a bit more wallop, either blowing up on contact or on a time-delay.

Best Other Weapon - Freeze Blast
First seen in the video game Batman: Arkham City, the Freeze Blast is an ice grenade created by Mr. Freeze that can encase whatever it hits in ice, be they enemies that need to be immobilized or obstacles that can be shattered after being frozen. They become very useful when Batman really wants to get the drop on a bunch of thugs; he could freeze some of them and fight the rest without having to worry too much.

Best Escape Tool - Smoke Pellets
Simple smoke bombs may not be as impressive as some of the other pieces of Batman's equipment, but their usefulness shouldn't be underestimated. Whenever Batman needs to make a quick getaway from a place without being seen or an effective entrance into a place swarming with thugs, a good cover of smoke can mask his entrance so people can't see him coming or going.

Best Vehicle - The Batmobile
While vehicles like the Batplane have other features that the land-based Batmobile doesn't have (not the least of which includes being able to fly), as stated a few times before here, Batman thrives on stealth and surprise and a plane is a little less stealthy than a car. On top of being Batman's primary method of transportation, the Batmobile is an armored vehicle loaded with its own arsenal of gadgets that allows batman to quickly get to where he needs to go and can even be remotely summoned when he needs it.


What did you think of these picks? What's your favorite Batman gadget? Who else do you think has an arsenal worth observing? Make your voice heard in the comments below. Thanks for coming!

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