Sunday, July 1, 2018

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate - How My Newcomer Predictions Stack Up

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate is confirmed to be the next game in Nintendo’s all-star fighting series. After taking up a large portion of Nintendo’s E3 presentation this June, we have a lot of details about the next upcoming Smash game; the most prominent fact being that every character from previous games in the series is returning for this game, even third-party guest characters like Solid Snake.

Don’t underestimate Nintendo. Even Konami listens when they speak.

A few days before the presentation, I posted an article about how I thought the Smash 5 roster might look. Now that the new game has been revealed, I’ll compare the currently revealed roster against my predictions. I said that the game may have about 15 newcomers, so I will go over each of them, one by one. Keep in mind, as big as the roster is now, it is still likely not fully revealed, so things may change and some characters may still have a chance at making it in.


Captain Toad (Super Mario)
Chance of Inclusion: Low

People have been asking for Toad to be added to Smash as he is one of the big mainstay Mario characters, but while a generic Toad is already incorporated into Peach’s moveset as a special move, Captain Toad may be distinct enough to justify becoming a character. However, it seems Toad is going to play a more prominent and visible role in Peach’s moveset in Ultimate, so the inclusion of another separate Toad alongside that seems less likely.

Fawful (Mario & Luigi)
Chance of Inclusion: Moderate

As a prominent and popular character from the Mario & Luigi RPG series, Fawful would be a good way to represent the Mario spin-off games along with Yoshi and Wario. However, he is not as major of a character as may that are already included in the roster, so there is a chance the developers may not see him as that high of a priority.

King K. Rool (Donkey Kong Country)
Chance of Inclusion: High

As a main villain of the Donkey Kong series, which some would say might be underrepresented, King K. Rool has been a highly requested character for a long time. With Sakurai and the Smash team finally deciding to make Ridley a playable character, it seems they may be more willing to try to make highly requested characters work, which means odds are higher for the king of the Kremlins.

Takamaru (Mysterious Murasame Castle)
Chance of Inclusion: None

As a character from a series yet to be released outside of Japan, adding Takamaru to the next Smash Bros. would have been a good way to kick off a new series for Western Nintendo fans. However, with Takamaru confirmed to remain as an assist trophy, the developers don’t seem to see it that way. Seems Mysterious Murasame Castle will remain a Japan-only series for now.

Impa (The Legend of Zelda)
Chance of Inclusion: (as Echo Fighter) Moderately High/ (as completely new character) Low

I previously said that Impa would replace Shiek in the roster for Smash 5, since she is a character who has appeared in multiple Legend of Zelda games (and as a fighter in some of them) while Shiek only appeared in one, and being a Shiekah fighter who could plausibly use similar techniques, she could serve as an effective replacement. But with every previous character returning for Ultimate and the reveal of Echo Fighters as a confirmed term, Impa now seems more likely as an Echo Fighter than a completely new character.

Decidueye (Pokemon)
Chance of Inclusion: Moderate

As one of the more popular Pokemon from Sun and Moon, the most recent generation of the Pokemon franchise, the grass and ghost owl Decidueye still has a good shot at making the playable roster for Smash Ultimate. He was even featured as a playable fighter in Pokken Tournament DX. However, other popular Pokemon that might take a potential slot are Lycanroc and Zeraora, so there may be some competition.

Jeff or Loid (EarthBound)
Chance of Inclusion: (for Jeff) None/ (for Loid) Moderately Low

While it is nice that the EarthBound series is getting more attention, with Paula and Poo added to Ness’s Final Smash and Kumatora and Boney added to Lucas’s Final Smash, Jeff however was confirmed to still be an assist trophy. While this may be a bit of wishful thinking on my part, I still think that Loid from EarthBound Beginnings/Mother 1 may have a small shot at making the roster by being different enough from Ness and Lucas to stand out, as a gadget using party member instead of the PSI using main hero.

Rex (Xenoblade Chronicles)
Chance of Inclusion: (as Echo Fighter) Moderate/ (as completely new character) Moderately Low

Rex is in the same boat as Impa. While I still think he may be different enough to function as his own character, it is also likely that he may become an Echo Fighter for Shulk. Despite the differences in how both characters function within their own universes, he could be seen as similar enough to Shulk to justify making him an Echo Fighter, but with how prominent Xenoblade Chronicles 2 is for the Switch right now, we’ll just have to wait and see.

Inkling Girl (Splatoon)
Chance of Inclusion: Confirmed

We already knew this was happening long before the direct came out, but it’s nice to see her in action. No longer just a Mii Fighter costume, the Inklings from Splatoon are now officially playable characters. They have eight different costumes, they use different weapons from the games as smash and special attacks, and the series has its own stage (Moray Towers) and assist trophy (The Squid Sisters). This is how you know Splatoon has become a mainstay Nintendo series.

Inkling Boy (Splatoon)
Chance of Inclusion: Confirmed (but not as separate character)

In my previous Smash article, I stated that here was enough material between Splatoon 1 and 2 to possibly make two characters from, an Inkling Boy and an Inkling Girl, but it seems Nintendo didn’t see them the same way and saw fit to just include it all as one character. Not much lot, especially considering how many other characters are in the game.

Spring Man (ARMS)
Chance of Inclusion: Moderately High

ARMS is an all-new fighting game IP that was promoted heavily for the Switch and did reasonably well in terms of sales, so it would stand to reason that a character from it can make the roster. With plenty of time between now and December, there is still a good chance for it, and the most likely character would probably be Spring Man as he is the standard character of the game and one of the poster characters (the other one, Ribbon Girl, likely serving as his Echo Fighter).

Dr. Coyle (ARMS)
Chance of Inclusion: Moderate

While it is unclear how big fan demand is for inclusion of ARMS main antagonist Dr. Coyle, she is a prominent character within the series responsible for many elements, including characters in the playable roster. She could be seen as similar enough to Spring Man and the other ARMS characters that adding her after Spring Man may be redundant, but she could also be seen as functioning differently enough from him to be a unique, workable character.

Heihachi Mishima (Tekken)
Chance of Inclusion: Low

My original prediction was for Street Fighter’s Ryu to be dropped from the roster and for Heihachi Mishima from Tekken to take his place so the players could have a similar playstyle to work with, but with Ryu now confirmed to be staying, adding Heihachi may just complicate things with another potential clone clogging up the roster. At most, he might make it in as Ryu’s Echo Fighter, but even that is kind of a stretch.

Monster Rider (Monster Hunter)
Chance of Inclusion: Moderately Low

This selection was, once again, counting on Ryu being cut from the roster for Smash 5, but that’s now gone out the window now that Ryu is definitely staying. This character’s chances of entering the roster have gone down considerably, because otherwise, Capcom would have 3 characters in the game, but Monster Hunter is still a popular and prominent game series from Capcom, so there is still a slim chance that Nintendo and Capcom may still work something out.

Shovel Knight (Shovel Knight)
Chance of Inclusion: Moderate

The number of third-party guest characters is already high for a predominately Nintendo game, but Shovel Knight has been a strong supported for Nintendo in the indie scene and would make a very good choice if Nintendo decides to put an indie game character in the Smash roster. With his magical relics and several different moves with his shovel, he’s not lacking for moveset potential and fans are very vocal in requesting him, so it is very possible that it can happen.


With so many characters chances for Smash roster inclusion now in question and Sakurai himself stating that we shouldn’t be expecting too many new characters, one has to wonder just who he may be considering. Just who would be reasonable candidates for new Smash characters? That could possibly be an article for another day.

 My condolences to Waluigi fans.

What did you think of this article? What characters do you want to see in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate? Did any of your favorites wind up as assist trophies instead? Make your voice heard in the comments below. Thanks for coming!

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