Saturday, November 10, 2018

Movie Review - Monster Island

With Halloween having just gone by, monster movies were all the rage. From blockbuster horror movies to small screen fun flicks, monsters are always in when October comes around. Along with the bigger names though, there are also some lesser known projects that work their way in. One of those lower-profile projects I happened across was a 3D animated film called Monster Island. It looked interesting when I happened across it, but will others find it so?

Let’s look at Monster Island.


The movie focuses on a boy named Lucas and his father Nicolas (no last name given). They live a normal life in a regular city (also no name given), until a Halloween party where Lucas turns into a monster in front of everybody. Nicolas then reveals that he is secretly a monster too and they both come from an island of monsters called Caldera. Angry at having been kept in the dark for so long, Lucas runs away from home to find Caldera and discover his true heritage, with Nicolas following soon after to make sure his son is safe.

That’s about as much as I can explain before diving into spoilers.

The story raises a lot of questions. Why did they leave the island in the first place? What happened to Lucas’s mother? While some of the questions raised get answered, others, particularly minor ones, don’t, but they’re mostly just side details that don’t have a direct impact on the main plot. Speaking of the main plot though, once the setting shifts from the human city to Caldera, the plot takes a few different twists and turns, especially as certain characters get introduced, and this creepy comedy gets a few more action sequences thrown in. 

Looking at this story, it draws a few comparisons to some other movies, particularly Firebreather, a story about a half-human/half-kaiju (don’t think too hard on that) who has a mostly normal life as a high schooler until stuff happens and he is forced to embrace his monster side. While comparisons to other movies do show up, Monster Island isn’t as blatant or egregious about it as other movies and while a movie like Firebreather establishes quickly that it wants to be more action-focused, Monster Island gets to it later in the story, but hints at it earlier on. It wants to try more to build up the events to the main climax at the end.


At the beginning of the movie, when Lucas is still going to high school, before the ill-fated Halloween party, you see a lot of typical high school archetypes. There’s the jerk jock, the bullied nerd, the stuck-up hot girl, and Lucas is basically the everyman. As the plot continues, we see more of Lucas’s personality as he is an adventurous person who’s not afraid to take risks and doesn’t want to wait to do what he thinks he needs to do. His father Nicolas is the same way. While a lot of his motivation may have to with keeping his son safe, he also shows a bit of his own adventurous side as well over the course of the story. The other important characters in this movie, who I won’t elaborate on for spoiler reasons, fit their roles relatively well, but apart from two, none of them stand out from the roles they play.


The visuals in this movie are a bit odd. Comparing the city at the start of the movie with the island of Caldera, there are a lot of clear differences and I’m not sure if all of them are intentional. In the city, some of the buildings stand at weird angles and have weird colorations. Granted, these are buildings in the background, but it stands out when compared to a town in Caldera, where all the buildings are standing up straight. In fact, in one shot at the start of the movie, there are several buildings that seem to lean in strange angles and only two small buildings don’t, one of them being the one Lucas and Nicolas live in. I’m not sure if this was just rushed animation or a design choice to subtly show how Lucas really belongs in Caldera and not in the human city.

Speaking of Caldera, this is clearly a monster island. All the monsters on the island have a variety of different looks and attributes, with some looking like classic mythology creatures and some looking like they were inspired by movies like Monsters Inc. or The Nightmare Before Christmas. Even some of the plant life looks monstrous with some of the tropical plants looking like they have eyes, or tentacles, or mouths full of fangs. Compare this to the regular looking human characters and the city they live in at the start of the movie and you can clearly see what part of this movie the animators were really looking forward to.

As far as the audio goes, it does its job, but doesn’t really stand out. For the most part, the music isn’t that memorable, but it doesn’t pull you out of the film either. The exceptions here are when the film decides to insert a couple of pop songs into a couple of different scenes. They’re okay songs on their own, but here, they feel out of place. For the voice work, again, it does its job, but they aren’t standout performances.


Monster Island is an okay film to watch, especially around Halloween if you have young kids and you’re looking for something both monstrous and obscure. The story could definitely use some work in a few places, it could stand to fill a few plot holes, and this kind of story was done better in other movies, but the visuals and the designs on the monsters and the titular monster island are trick-or-treat eye-candy, especially if you like different kinds of creatures. It’s not the best thing out there, but it’s not the worst either.




  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Nice! I can play this movie for the kids on the Halloweens night. This will not be very scary and will be a perfect fit for the kids. Sometimes I want Andy Yeatman to make horror series as well because I know his content is entertaining and educating.
