Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Super Roster Maker - Capcom Fighting Jam 2

With all the crossover fighting games they’ve done over the years with comic companies, anime studios, and even other video game developers, it would make a lot of sense that Capcom should try to do a fighting game completely using their own characters. However, their (so far) only attempt at this, Capcom Fighting Jam, was seen more as a low-effort cash grab and fans responded accordingly. While the game was executed poorly, the idea of a Capcom exclusive fighting game is still a solid idea and if Capcom decided to make a sequel with a lot more effort put into it, it could potentially be a very popular game.

That’s what we’ll explore in the topic of this Super Roster Maker, Capcom Fighting Jam 2.

For this roster, since the original Capcom Fighting Jam focused only on Capcom’s fighting game series, the same will apply here. Only characters that originated in fighting games will count for this article. A roster encompassing all of Capcom will come later though, and may potentially be a bit longer, so be on the lookout for that soon. We’ll be looking at each game released in the different series and including one or two characters from each one. So, sequels count, but updated rereleases of a particular game do not.

Let’s choose our characters!



From Street Fighter: Ryu and Ken

From Street Fighter 2: Chun-Li and Guile

From Street Fighter Alpha: Sakura and Yun

From Street Fighter 3: Alex and Akuma

From Street Fighter 4: Juri and Cammy

From Street Fighter 5: Rashid and Menat

As one of Capcom’s most prominent series, as well as its only currently active fighter, Street Fighter is likely to take up more of this roster than any other series, even leaving out the several updated rereleases that games in the series have gotten. Counting the numbered Street Fighter games and Alpha gives us a max of 12 potential characters. All the characters chosen for this section were either important characters in the game’s storyline, popular fan favorites, or top-tier characters for competitive play.


From Darkstalkers: Morrigan and Demitri

From Darkstalkers 2: Felicia and Jon Talbain

From Darkstalkers 3: Donovan and Lord Raptor

Aside from Street Fighter, the horror monster themed Darkstalkers series is the second best-known fighting series from Capcom and one of the most requested series for Capcom to revive. It is involved with several Capcom crossover games with the succubus Morrigan Aensland being one of the studio’s staple characters to include in such projects. With three entries in this series, that adds about six more characters to the roster. The characters chosen from this series were either main characters or fan favorites.


From Rival Schools: Batsu and Shoma

From Project Justice: Akira and Kyoko

Another cult favorite fighter from Capcom, Rival Schools is a 3D fighter focused on several high school themed characters. Though largely ignored, it has gotten a small amount of attention over the years with characters from it appearing in games like Namco X Capcom, Capcom vs. SNK, Project X Zone, and Tatsunoko vs. Capcom. The four characters we get from this section each represent one of the different high schools in the game, the chosen characters either being main characters or fan favorites.


While Street Fighter, Darkstalkers, and Rival Schools have gotten the most attention from fans, there are other fighting games that Capcom has made that a game like this can reintroduce fans to. While they may not have as many characters as the above franchises, the characters picked here could serve as a sample of what these games have to offer and possibly get these series some more attention.

From Star Gladiator/Plasma Sword: Hayato and June Lin

The sci-fi themed Star Gladiator series gives us two of its main fighters, Hayato and June Lin, with Hayato having also appeared as a fighter in the Marvel vs. Capcom series and June Lin appearing in the strategy RPG Project X Zone 2. The game was a 3D weapon-based fighter, similar to Soul Calibur, and the story revolves around intergalactic heroes out to stop the evil Dr. Bilstein and his army from conquering the universe.

From Power Stone/Power Stone 2: Falcon and Rouge

With enough stage variety and interaction to also count as a platform fighter, the Power Stone series is a 3D fighter revolving around 19th century international treasure hunters on the search for the Power Stones, magical gems rumored to have the power to make any wish come true. Characters from this series have made very few appearances outside of their own games, but Falcon is the main character and Rouge is a fan favorite among players.

From Marvel vs. Capcom 2: Ruby Heart

While Marvel vs. Capcom is largely a crossover game, it does include some original characters. One of the most notable, highlighted in the game’s opening and shown at the start of the game’s credits, is the female pirate captain Ruby Heart. Though she hasn’t been seen since MvC2, a Capcom crossover game like this would make for a good opportunity to bring her back into the spotlight.

From Capcom Fighting Jam: Ingrid

First appearing in the original Capcom Fighting Jam as its only original character, seeing Ingrid return in the sequel would make sense. While she was originally set to appear in a long-canceled Capcom crossover game and has since made appearances in the Street Fighter series, having Ingrid appear alongside Ruby Heart could even make for a potential story set-up for how these characters are all meeting up.

From Cyberbots: Jin Saotome

Another sci-fi fighting series from Capcom, Cyberbots mainly centers around futuristic mech combat. Jin Saotome is the main character of the series and is one of only two characters from the series to make playable appearances in other games, like the Marvel vs. Capcom series. Jin could allow for some strong combat and flashy moves both in and out of his mech.

From Red Earth: Leo

Leo is one of four main characters from Red Earth, a boss-rush style fighting game set in a medieval fantasy styled world. Players can only select from four playable characters and progress through arcade mode fighting several non-playable opponents. From this game, Leo is one of two to appear as a playable fighter in the first Capcom Fighting Jam and a large, burly character who could serve as one of the game’s heavyweights.


The Roster: Ryu, Ken, Chun-Li, Guile, Sakura, Yun, Alex, Akuma, Juri, Cammy, Rashid, Menat, Morrigan, Demitri, Felicia, J. Talbain, Donovan, L. Raptor, Batsu, Shoma, Akira, Kyoko, Hayato, June Lin, Falcon, Rouge, Ruby Heart, Ingrid, Jin, Leo

This roster gives us an even 30 characters from 9 different series. Street Fighter has the biggest presence in the roster with 12 characters while some of the games on this list only have one character. That's more than a third of the roster, but it shows just how big of a series it is when it comes to fighters.


What did you think of this roster? What characters would you want to see in a Capcom fighters only crossover game? Make your voice heard in the comments below. Thanks for coming!

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