Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Assemble! - Horror Movie Archetypes - The Final Girl

Welcome to Assemble!
Here, we'll look at several different characters across multiple series to see who would form a perfect team for a certain genre. From fighting game rosters to RPG adventuring parties, different types of characters tend to show up frequently. What we'll do here is look at those archetypes to see what character is the best fit for that slot, and in the end, we’ll have the best team for the job. These articles will also be shorter entries, compared to some of the more long-form articles here, focusing on one or two characters at a time.

When talking about horror, the villains, monsters, and killers are often the first things that come to people’s minds. The people they hunt are often an afterthought, but these characters show that not all survivors are that easy to kill. The right group with the right people can make things very difficult for the killer. Here, we’ll be looking at that can represent different archetypes of horror movie characters, to build a strong squad of survivors.


There's something full circle about this movie. I'm just not sure what.

The Final Girl is one of the last notable characters, if not THE last character, left alive after a killer’s rampage in a horror movie. Abstaining from sex, drugs, alcohol, or any of the other vices that the other characters may partake in, circumstance leaves them as the lone survivor while their friends lay dead. They have the final confrontation with the villain and, from there, either kill the villain or are saved from them at the last second by intervention from an outside source. 1980s slasher movies especially used this trope, with the character’s purity being implied as the reason why she earns having survived for so long, hinting at the values behind the movies made at that time.

Our pick for the Final Girl is…

Laurie Strode from Halloween

Laurie is the first recognizable instance of the Final Girl in horror movies, having survived the rampage of Michael Myers in the first Halloween movie. Along with Dr. Sam Loomis, she would become a recurring character within the series, fighting against Michael for several films. In the most recent entry in the series in 2018, she has trained herself and created several battle plans and booby traps for when he tries to come back to finish her off. The terror he caused hasn’t left her mind even as she ages and she uses that fear to steel her resolve and make herself an even stronger survivor.

For lasting through the several attempts on her life and not once giving in, we now add Laurie Strode to our roster.


What did you think about this article? Want to see what other characters get picked for our roster? Do you think someone would fit this role better besides whoever got picked? Make your voice heard in the comments below. 
Thanks for coming!

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