Monday, October 21, 2019

Assemble! - Horror Victim Archetypes - The Athlete

Welcome to Assemble!

Here, we'll look at several different characters across multiple series to see who would form a perfect team for a certain genre. From fighting game rosters to RPG adventuring parties, different types of characters tend to show up frequently. What we'll do here is look at those archetypes to see what character is the best fit for that slot, and in the end, we’ll have the best team for the job. These articles will also be shorter entries, compared to some of the more long-form articles here, focusing on one or two characters at a time.

When talking about horror, the villains, monsters, and killers are often the first things that come to people’s minds. The people they hunt are often an afterthought, but these characters show that not all survivors are that easy to kill. The right group with the right people can make things very difficult for the killer. Here, we’ll be looking at that can represent different archetypes of horror movie characters, to build a strong squad of survivors.


The Athlete is known for two things, being a jock and being a jerk. As the name implies, they are physically fit and actively participate in some kind of sport, often being the star player for a school sports team if they are a teenager. However, with that athletic prowess, and the popularity that seems to come with it, also comes a lack of empathy for those less popular. They are often a bully toward lesser students, especially nerdy kids, and are often so infuriating to watch them continue to push people around that it becomes satisfying to see a killer cut them down to size, figuratively and literally. Like with the Beauty, we’ll choose a character that survives to the end of the story and develops as a character, but otherwise still fits this mold.

Our pick for The Athlete is…

Steve Harrington from Stranger Things

Steve Harrington is a basketball player for Hawkins High School in Hawkins, Indiana and boyfriend of Nancy Wheeler. He starts the series off as a jerk jock, bullying characters like Jonathan Byers and extending that treatment to Nancy when he thinks she is cheating on him with Jonathan. But after some time, he begins to have a change of heart, which is solidified towards the end of the show’s first season, when he helps Nancy and Jonathan fight off the Demogorgon, the monster threatening the people of the town from the otherworldly plane, the Upside Down. Since then, he has become a supporting figure for the main protagonists, even becoming sort of a big brother figure to one of them.

For learning how to survive in a dangerous and horrific situation and growing as a person beyond her original, off-putting personality, we now add Steve Harrington to our roster.



What did you think about this article? Want to see what other characters get picked for our roster? Do you think someone would fit this role better besides whoever got picked? Make your voice heard in the comments below. 

Thanks for coming!

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